August 27, 2013

  • New York - Part Two

    Where was I?



    So they had these people sitting at tables every so often selling maps for $2 for a children's charity.  We bought at map at the first table.  Then we had to stop at every other table to ask for directions as we couldn't make heads or tales out of crazy thing.


    We did find the zoo.  That was goal #1.  


    Shaeleigh's face cracks me up.  


    top of the rock

    And this was the hit of the day.  Giant rocks.  Everyone loved climbing up and down the rocks.  Probably could have spent all day doing that.



    And....   we ate some more ice cream.

    mad skills

    Right before we left for New York, the ever charming Kenn, introduced Chance to the ol' arm pit "bonkie" and so the ever charming Chance walked all over New York perfecting his technique.  

    My sound track during our stay:  "YiLin come on.  Chance stop.  YiLin come on.  Chance stop.  YiLin come on.  Chance stop.  YiLin come on.  Chance stop."  


    Our bus tickets included a night tour.  Shaeleigh was interested in going (me too) and of course YiLin was all in but Chance was not particularly thrilled with MORE WAITING and so we bribed him with Chicken McNuggets and my phone.  Is that bad?  Three people saw the lights of New York and one person munched on nuggets and got a high score on Temple Run.  A good time was had by all.


    For the record, we didn't buy nuts from this cart. Couldn't find the nuts for sane people though.  

    But finally....  our trip came to an end.  I don't have a photo but we did take a cab from the hotel down to Penn Station on the way back to the Vamoose bus.  When the hotel guy put the suitcase into the trunk he about burst a vein and grunted out, "Oh my god"  hehehe.  wimp.


    See you soon Big Apple!